The Art Contest is a regular feature of the ADGA Annual Convention. As an attendee of the convention, this is your opportunity to acquire a one-of-a-kind dairy goat art piece for your farm, gift or raffle item at a future goat show.
All Art Contest entries are sold at the “Flashlight Sale”, a live auction held during the Products Reception. This year’s Flashlight Sale will be held on Thursday, October 24 during the ADGA Annual Convention Products Reception.
All awards and prizes will be administered by ADGA and presented to the winners following convention. Youth and adults may participate. We hope you’ll consider submitting one or more entries this year!
Participate in the Art Contest
Art Contest Categories
1. Youth Category, ages 5-18 as of October 1, 2024. Dairy Goat themed, any size and any medium.
2. Graphic arts (expressed on a flat surface) – This includes painting, sketches, drawing, collage (on any type of flat medium including canvas, paper, wood, metal, etc…) Must be matted with a protective sleeve or framed. Minimum size 5″x7″, Maximum size is 48″ x 48″ including frame.
3. Three-dimensional Art including sculpture, reliefs, mosaic, made of any medium or item/object painted, carved, or wood burned with a dairy goat theme; no size restrictions.
4. Decorative arts – this category is associated with utilitarian purposes but shows a high degree of creative expression and decoration. Examples would include clothing, purses (bags), jewelry, quilts, pillows, leatherwork, dishes, and woodwork.
5. Fiber or Textile art; Fine art that material consists of natural or synthetic fiber and other components such as fabric or yarn. It prioritizes aesthetic value over utility. Examples include weaving, wet felting, embroidery, needlepoint, lace etc. No size limitation.
6. Photography; dairy goat themed photos must be matted with a protective sleeve or framed.
Contest Entry Deadline
Entries must be received at the ADGA Convention Registration Desk at the Grand Geneva no later than Monday, October 21, 2024 by 5 PM unless prior approval is given. The cost of transport is that of the entrant. We highly recommend that if you are not able to attend the convention, you send your entry with a friend who is attending.
Contest Judging & Awards
An independent judge or judges will make the placings. Winners in each category will receive $100 for First place, $50 for Second place and $25 for Third place. A Best of Show ($500) and Reserve ($250) will be chosen from the winners of the five categories. A People’s Choice Award will be awarded a Rosette in recognition. As many entries per category will be accepted from any individual; however, only one monetary award per person in any one category will be awarded (Best In Show being a different category).
In cases where less than four entries are received, it will be up to the judges’ discretion to be considered for monetary award. The judge and show committee will determine If an entry is not deemed suitable for competition.
NOTE: Please note that non-artists made the rules. There are many things used as a canvas available for artwork. If the article is on a quality, acceptable art media, their entry will be gladly accepted.