2023-2024 Alternate
Youth Representative
Stella Freuchtel
2024-2025 Alternate
Youth Representative
Alyssa Shisler

Youth Representative
Kenzie Burton
Youth Representative
Belle Duong
Each year at ADGA Annual Convention, a Youth Representative and an Alternate Youth Representative are chosen to represent ADGA Youth for the following year. To be considered, you must be at least 16 by December 31st and not older than 20. The Youth Representative and Alternate Youth Representative have several writing and travel commitments that you must take into consideration before you apply.
ADGA Youth Representative Responsibilities
1. The ADGA Youth Representative MUST attend and assist with activities at the following events. (travel expenses, lodging, and per diem are paid by ADGA):
a. ADGA National Show (held in late June, early July)b. ADGA National Convention (held in mid-October)
2. The ADGA Youth Representative is required to:
a. Write quarterly articles for the Youth News section of ADGA News & Events in coordination with the ADGA Communication Specialist.
b. Assist the youth leaders during National Show, present awards during breed shows and the final Award Ceremony.
c. Make a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation of the year’s activities at the Youth Banquet at Annual Convention.
d. Coordinate and implement welcome activities for the Annual Meeting Youth Program.
e. Give a 30-45 minute educational presentation at the Annual Meeting Youth Program.
ADGA Youth Representative Selection Process
- Submit a completed application to the ADGA Youth Annual Meeting Committee Chair before 8:00pm on the first full day of the Annual Meeting Youth program.
- Attend and participate in the Annual Meeting Youth Program.
- Participate in an individual interview with the Youth Representative Selection Panel.
- Present a 2-4 minute speech at the ADGA Youth Banquet over a topic assigned to you on the afternoon of the youth banquet.
- Answer one impromptu question from the Youth Representative Selection Panel after giving your speech at the Youth Banquet.