The American Dairy Goat Association welcomes your participation in the Fresh or Powdered Goat Milk Bath and Body Care Products Competition to be held at its Annual Convention. This competition will be open to all soap makers.
Participate in the Bath & Body Care Products Competition
Entries must be onsite no later than Monday, October 21, 2024. Please do not send your packages early!
Hand delivery may be made by prior arrangement with the committee by filling out this form. Entries will be showcased at the Cheese and Body Products Reception. Check the schedule for Reception time and date.
Since this event is intended as a promotion for Goat Milk Products, we encourage producers to include small amounts of promotional materials and distributor information along with their entries. These promotional materials will be withheld during judging and placed with products at the Reception. All entries in the gift package division will be auctioned during the reception.
Whitney Schneider and Amy Hackbarth
· Only products that include fresh or powdered goat’s milk are eligible to compete in this competition.
· The entry fee is $10 per entry. Gift baskets are free. Entries must be onsite no later than Monday, October 21, 2024.
· Products MAY NOT include pre-made bases
· Bar soaps:
o MAY NOT be made from melt and pour bases.
o May include any combination of tallow, lard and/or vegetable oils.
· Goat milk melt and pour decorations may be used.
· Fragrance will be defined as:
o Any fragrance oil
o Combination of fragrance oils
o Combination of essential and fragrance oils
· Miscellaneous Body Care Products will be defined as products containing fresh or powdered goat milk that does not qualify for any other classes in the competition.
· Products may only be entered in classes that they qualify for.
· If in doubt about a class, please request clarification by filling out this form.
· Please fill out one entry form for each product entered.
· All entries will be displayed at the Goat Products Reception. Best In Show and Reserve Best In Show winners will be sold by auction at the Goat Products Reception.
· Please send promotional materials or placards in shipping container(s) with your product.
· Please send entries without packaging or any other identifying material unless you are entering the product in the creative division where packaging is an important aspect.
· Include the ingredient information on products entered in both competitions.
· Send one bar of soap or one small individual container of other products, for judging and one normal packaged soap bar or product for display at the reception.
· Gift packaging may contain a combination of any products produced by the entrant plus non product items.
· Products entered in the creative division will be judged on their aesthetic aspects only.
· Hand delivery may be made by prior arrangement with the committee. To request hand delivery, please fill out this
· If you are shipping your bath care products directly to the hotel, please mark your packages:
o “ADGA Bath Care Products Competition / Attn: Caroline Lawson”
Send packages to:
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
7036 Grand Geneva Way
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
· Packages must include a packing slip containing the number of packages shipped and the number of items in each box.
Each entry should be clearly marked with its name (e.g., “Lavender Soap Bar”), and class number.